Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Blogging with Joomla 1.5

Recently a client has asked me about the blogging functionality on Joomla. Since then I've been doing lots of researches on current blogging technologies X Joomla blogging functionality.

Definitely the number one blogging technology is WordPress. Once we talk about blogging its impossible not to mention Wordpress as the blogger's favorite platform. It's a open source CMS available to everyone just like Joomla. I tend to recommend it to most of my clients that require a full featured blogging functionality on their web sites.

The Joomla "out of the box" 1.5 framework supports only basic blogging functionality. It does achieve a simple blog structure but we are still far away of having most of the blogging features. Eg:

  • Commentaries
  • Avatar
  • User rating
  • Tags
  • Workflows, etc..
I've tested lots of different extensions for Blogging on Joomla. Some of those extensions implement only small solutions. For example; we could install an extension only for comments into a blog articles. Others extensions like "MyBlog" provide the whole blogging functionality for the Joomla Framework.

It's a strategic decision.
We could use an extension like Myblog, I'm sure it will have ALL blogging functionality you might need. But it can be like driving a Ferrari at 30Km/h if you you site/blog activity is not too intense.
Its a complete extension with lots of blogging functionality. Make sure you really need it, otherwise I don't believe its worth putting lots of efforts on something you might not use.

If you are interested in individual blogging functionalities you can find appropriate extensions.
Eg: As far as I know there are no blogs without communication between publishers and the audience trough the comments functionality. It provides feedback and interactions to all blog readers.
In this case wouldn't be hard to implement a comments module just for this specific requirement.

Remember, do not overestimate your necessities!

1 comment:

anthony said...

I love Joomla and thanks for sharing this wonderful tips about Joomla Blogging.

Joomla Designer